About Us
Board Members:
Chairman - Kevin Grant
Vice-Chair - Currently Vacant
Secretary - Marilyn Johnson
Treasurer - Penny Smith
Member-at-large - Cheryl Baker
Member-at-large - Currently Vacant
Mentally healthy people in a healthy Shelburne County.
We are a community-based, not-for-profit group that seeks to advocate for and improve mental health in Shelburne County by reducing stigma, promoting recovery and building resiliency.
Strategies and Goals:
Strategy # 1 - Reducing Stigma
Goal - Raising Awareness
​ Objectives:
​ - Education, such as formal training (e.g., Mental Health First Aid; ASIST, etc) and informal conversations (e.g., school presentations)
- Promoting events, groups, training, web-based events, etc
- Promoting crises and emergency services and community supports
- Improving access to services by letting people know where they are located and/or that they exist
- Building and maintaining collaborations/partnerships
Goal - Reducing barriers and isolation
- Helping with transportation and internet access
- Providing and/or promoting peer support groups
- Promoting recreational opportunities to bring people together and to encourage relationships
- Promoting inclusion and creating safe spaces
- Encouraging people to connect or reconnect with a faith community
Goal - Changing attitudes
- Providing information to the public that promotes positive attitudes towards people with mental illness
- Providing opportunities for the public to meaningfully connect with people who have a mental illness, preferably on a regular basis
Goal - Communication
- Website, web-based communication (social media)
- Face-to-face communications
- Phone support line
- Advertising (e.g., brochures, posters, newspapers, radio, direct-mail-outs, etc)
Strategy # 2 - Promoting Recovery
Goal - Peer Support
- Establishing peer support groups
- Promoting, helping and encouraging established peer support groups
- Making sure the public is aware of mental health resources that are available, including Mental Health and Addictions resources
- Helping the public navigate the health care system
Strategy # 3 - Building Resiliency
Goal - Maintaining community and/or professional support, according to need
- Promoting events, groups, services and initiatives to create an environment that is likely to protect people from life's challenges
Strategy # 4 - Advocating
Goal - Approaching all levels of government to strengthen mental health supports for Shelburne County
- Improve funding for mental health
- Community-based supports
- Having a Shelburne-County voice involved in the decision-making processes (having a more collaborative approach)
- Being involved in establishing policies
Goal - Raise awareness of the decision-makers themselves about the needs in Shelburne County
- Research and know who the right person is to speak with
- Who are our partners?
- Share our successes and challenges
- Identify our challenges and have possible solutions prepared in advance - don't just take issues, but also suggest potential solutions
Key Values and Principles (adapted from CMHA National):
- Embracing the voice of people who live with mental health issues
- Recognize the value of lived experience
- Promoting inclusion
- Working collaboratively
- Influencing the social determinants of health (e.g., housing, justice, etc)
- Focusing on the mental health needs of all age groups
- Using evidence to inform our work
- Being transparent and accountable